OK, so I suppose the conventional way to start this would be Hello, Howdy, Aloha, Bounjour, Hallo and Hola! I doubt anyone will actually read this but the time that it has taken me to set up this blog (1 morning, I got quite distracted along the way) I have had 5 views, and that's with nothing on my blog, so here's hoping!
My name is Cassie, I'm currently 17, and doing my A-Levels, (Fine Art, Photography, Politics at A2 and Sculpture AS). I live in the South of England, and I'm basically in the middle so some might say the South West and some might say the South East.. I think I would probably say the South West, but that doesn't really matter! I work at Accessorize (at the moment anyway) and absolutely love it!:) I also love my cats, as I'm sure as this blog goes on you will find out! I have a twin brother- Cameron, who you will probably hear a lot (of moaning) about and another brother called Joss and obviously my Mum, Jo, who I will be referring to as lots of weird and wacky names as that is how me and my Mum work! As you can tell by the subjects I am studying I absolutely LOVE art, I'm definitely not saying I'm any good at it but it's a passion that runs through my genes!
My plan for this blog is to write about anything and everything (with a pinch of sugar and spice) for example, makeup and beauty, which is a very popular one at the moment, fashion, films, books, days out and also probably a load of ramblings! I think that making this blog for me will hopefully end up to be a nice place to escape, as I already escape when reading other peoples blogs and watching reviews etc on YouTube! I thought it was about time I just tried it, even if no one actually reads it, it will be nice to do something that hasn't got anything to do with college or work! YAWN. Blogs have recently become the 'in thing' (that sound so sad and old but that's basically what I am) and I have really begun to enjoy reading them, I've learnt so much from other peoples blogs and I hope that even if like 1 person reads my blog they might learn a little something, or it might encourage them to try something new and different! My blog name comes from the word 'Knickerbocker Glory' which is an absolutely fabulous word which I absolutely love, but I decided that it hasn't got much to do with me, so the flora, comes from the butter, NO only joking it comes from the word floral, as like a lot of girlies my age I love all things floral and ALL patterns, especially paisley! and the ditsy is a word, that has been used to describe me, I can never figure out if that's a compliment or not? but it sounds nice so it will do! OK I should stop now as I am rambling and I also have to go to work! BOO! Thanks to anyone who actually has taken the time to read this!
So yes, this is me dipping my toe into the water and seeing what all the fuss is about!